Strangers Home music ministry consists of two main choirs: the Senior Choir and the Youth Choir.


SHBC Senior Choir

Organized in 1955 by the late Bro. Allen Thomas, the Senior Choir has been singing praises to the Lord and ministering in song for many, many years.  Their commitment to minister in song is evidenced in their longstanding faithfulness.  Initially, the choir sang vocally – a cappella – until they moved a little higher and began singing with piano accompaniment.  The choir was eventually blessed to add an organist and drummer.


“Keep Striving for a Higher Goal Through Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” is the Senior Choir’s motto.  This ministry knows that without Christ as the mark, there is no unity, without unity there is no harmony – and, it is certain that these are qualities any choir needs and that the Senior Choir strives to exemplify as they grow in membership and in Christ while continually setting the atmosphere for praise and worship.