Church History


The Strangers Home Baptist Church was organized in the year of 1906.  It was founded by the late Reverend J. Smith and the following officers:  Bro. Willie Hamilton; Bro. W. Wilson; Bro. Jay Gayden; Bro. Rest Scott; and Sis. Nora Gayden, the Church Mother.  The pastor and those officers served in their capacities for many, many years.


In 1930, the late Reverend Simon Jackson became the pastor of the Strangers Home Baptist Church serving for over twenty years.  In the year of 1958, Rev. Jackson was followed in pastoral leadership by the late Reverend Willie Williams, under whose tenure the church was rebuilt.



In the year of 1976, Strangers Home was blessed with the leadership of the late Reverend Odell L. Tickles who pastored until 1986 when he resigned because of other spiritual obligations.  Two years later in 1988, the late Reverend Norwood C. Booker was nominated to serve as acting pastor.  After some years, pastoral leadership transitioned from Rev. Booker to Reverend Johnny A. Johnson, who in March 1994 resigned due to other spiritual endeavors.  In April of that same year, the church began searching for a pastor to shepherd and lead the flock.  The pastoral search lasted about a year during which time several guest ministers conducted worship services while the membership continued to trust God to send a pastor.  It was in 1995 that prayers were answered.   


A spiritual change occurred in 1995 when Strangers Home was blessed with Reverend Dr. Thomas Lewis, Jr. as pastor.  Under his tenure Strangers Home grew and matured to what is seen today:  the addition of numerous ministries and the building of the current edifice which occurred in 2003.  Pastor Lewis was a loving, dutiful, and faithful shepherd who served the members of Strangers Home for 24 years until the Lord called him from labor to reward on September 19, 2019.  It was once again that the members depended on God to send another shepherd.



Under the guidance of Deacon Kenneth Tate, Chairman, the pastoral search committee immediately began to seek candidates for pastorship even amid its painful loss.  During this time, worship service continued and the members pressed on with an unexplained sense of urgency.  On February 24, 2020 the church voted to elect Reverend Lorenzo T. Bennett as the new pastor of the Strangers Home Baptist Church.  By mid-March of 2020, the sense of urgency became clear as the world was impacted by the coronavirus global pandemic which halted all ways of life.  The Lord was faithful in ensuring that Strangers Home was not without covering during this storm.  With God’s guidance and insight, newly-elected Pastor Bennett began to lead and sustain the Strangers Home flock through an unprecedented time by way of his “Christ With Coffee” devotions every Sunday on Facebook and Wednesday night Bible study via ZOOM.  A drive-up parking lot option was also added in which members can safely and comfortably remain in their vehicles while listening to the service via loud speaker.  On Sunday, March 21, 2021, Reverend Bennett was officially installed as pastor of Strangers Home Baptist Church and celebrated his first-year anniversary. 


Concerning the ongoing, the forwardness, and the everlasting state of the Lord’s church, Matthew 16:18b says, “…and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”; so, it is again that the Lord has proven faithful to the Strangers Home Baptist Church, as she stands on His promises.